[ Picture of Willis Lamb ] 

The 2018 Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics

Awarded January 11th, 2018, at the 48th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics.

Jian-Wei Pan, University of Science and Technology of China (bio)
For pioneering experimental research at the frontier of optical implementation of quantum information.
Ernst Rasel, Leibniz University Hannover
For the first realization of Bose-Einstein condensation in microgravity.
Peter Zoller, University of Innsbruck (bio)
For pioneering contributions to quantum computing, quantum communication and many-body physics.
[ Jian-Wei Pan ] [ Ernst Rasel ] [ Peter Zoller ]
Jian-Wei Pan Ernst Rasel Peter Zoller

Pan photo provided by Prof. Pan, 2020. Used with permission.
Rasel photo provided by Prof. Rasel, 2017. Used with permission.
Zoller photo credit IQOQI / M. Knabl, 2020. Used with permission.

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